03 October 2008



Guys… guys.
Stop it with the passive verb phrases SERIOUSLY it’s pissing me off.
Just… just go die, all you passive verb people.

For you people who are fortunate (or ignorant) enough to not know what I’m going on about, let me explain.
A normal verb phrase would be something like “I shot the laser gun”.
A passive verb phrase is more like “The laser gun was shot by me”.

Why—WHY do you people think this is a good way of writing things? Who talks like that, really?!
God! The only reason why anyone writes like this is because they’re trying altogether too hard to sound smarter than they are.

IT’S OKAY, GUYS, we don’t think you’re stupid, you don’t have to impress us!

Besides my angry ranting and on a more practical note, passive verb phrases make everything sound as though they’re being narrated by someone who isn’t quite there. It slows down action and makes the entire piece feel sluggish and… is murky a good word to use here? That’s a word that comes to mind.

So stop it, guys, I’m so serious.


Stier said...

O_O never been so scared of grammar before.
It gets worst when I remember, my native language is Spanish, and I barely speak english

Anonymous said...

I agree. Passive verbs are a plague on society.

And I'm allowed to say this because I'm a recovered passive-er.