21 August 2008


(hey hey I'm going to try to stick to a Tuesday/Thursday update schedule, okay? So you know exactly when to check over here!)

Guys can I ask you something?
What the fuck is this trend among fanfiction writers to write fanfiction that’s a carbon copy of something else?

Ugh, that’s an awful way to describe it. Lemme try and rephrase that…

It’s like, I’ll go on Fanfiction.net, and I’m thinking I wanna read some Super Mario fanfiction, you know? So I go there, but the Mario category is chock-full of fanfiction that’s just a transcription of what’s been going on in the latest season of Big Brother, but with Mario characters names written in instead of, I dunno, Jake or John or whoever the hell is on that show.
So I go to see if there’s any good Invader Zim fanfiction instead. But I go to the Zim page and find all these fics based on Final Destination. And not just one, either, but a lot of them. And every one just the same story, but with different deaths or something.
So I’m annoyed now. I head on over to the Danny Phantom category to find about five fics based on… gulp… the “Know Your Stars” skit from the newer seasons of All That.
At this point, I give up on reading anything and have to leave the site, lest I go on some sort of flame-rampage.

Look, these sorts of fanfiction are just lazy. Someone sits down and decides that they want to write a fanfic, realizes they don’t have a good idea, and then decides that copying something they saw on TV is just as good.
No, guys, it’s not just as good.
Guys, you know what I do when I don’t have any good ideas? I JUST DON’T WRITE A FANFIC.
Damn, people.

The “Know Your Stars” ones annoy me the most. I don’t understand why people even find this formula funny. The skit has only ever made me chuckle ONCE, and that was the first time I saw it. The first time, there was a bit of comedy that came from the fact that I didn’t expect the narrator to start insulting the guest. Then the next time I saw one of these, I was like, “This… is the same as last time.” And my response the third time was “Damn, Nickelodeon, come up with another joke already.”
(Actually, that’s my reaction to most everything on The Amanda Show, as well as several other skits from the newer All That seasons.)
So fanfiction based on this premise just fills me with an unspeakable rage.

Guys, “Know Your Stars” isn’t funny. So just stop it. PLEASE.

1 comment:

1thing2do3words4you said...

i hate hthe horrible fanfics....